Base Price: $5,280.00The newest TRETS REH 2020 has a lower, sleeker profile with all of the same features as the older model. It comes in green and you can add stickers to personalize your trike.
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The newest TRETS REH 2020 has a lower, sleeker profile with all of the same features as the older model. It comes in green and you can add stickers to personalize your trike.
If you compare it with a conventional rehab trike, you’ll immediately notice what makes the TRIX more versatile and fun:
the sturdy, brightly colored frame, the peppy spoke guards and the list goes on and on.
But there’s a lot more to the TRIX than cool looks. Whomever’s experienced the intuitive controls and smooth handling knows exactly why the TRIX has been officially recognized as a medical aid in Germany. This means: no time-consuming bureaucracy when applying for reimbursement.
The decision of the GKV, Germany’s national association of statutory health insurance funds, was presumably an easy one: significantly more stability than conventional rehab trikes, excellent maneuverability, a high level of active safety thanks to the disc brakes on the rear wheels, and easy operation. In no time at all, it can be ergonomically adjusted to any rider from 4’1” to 6’3” (1.25 –1.90 m) in height. What luck that the HASE BIKES designers still had a few TRIX up their sleeves!
Even health insurance companies give it a thumbs up: In Germany, parents of children with disabilities can receive reimbursement for the purchase of a TRIX, thanks to its official recognition as a medical aid. And no wonder – considering how easy and fun it is for young TRIX pilots to discover mobility.